
Proper insurance coverage helps ensure that you'll be covered in the event of a travel emergency. 这就是为什么DU很自豪地为所有学生提供服务, 教师, 以及员工的国际DU旅行, 一个综合事故下的覆盖范围, 病, 和 emergency care insurance plan at no cost to them 和 with no need to enroll. 该计划的亮点是免赔额为0美元, 无需自付费用, 和 travel insurance benefits such as lost luggage 和 trip interruption. 该计划与我们的旅行援助合作伙伴协同工作, Crisis24, so, 保险和援助只需要记住一个号码. All assistance services 和 insurance benefits are initiated by calling our 旅行援助伙伴 at +1 443-569-8601.


  • 谁有资格获得保险?

    所有注册教师, 工作人员, 和 students who are traveling internationally on DU-travel as well as any dependents (i.e., spouse, legal domestic partner, dependent children under 26) traveling with them. 

  • 该计划的亮点是什么?
    • 承保最多365天的海外旅行
    • 受伤或疾病的国外医疗:50万美元
    • 免赔额:$ 0
    • 精神神经障碍:达到医学最高限度
    • Dental (injury or alleviation of pain on sound, natural teeth only): $1,000
    • 安保或自然灾害疏散:50万美元
    • 紧急医疗后送:所发生费用的100%
    • 遗体送还:实际费用的100%
    • 行李延误:500美元 
    • 旅行中断:5000美元
    • 在单程旅行之前、期间或之后的14天停留旅行
    • 随同随同旅客旅行的家属的保险范围
    • 与提供医疗转诊的国际ISO协调, 医疗监控, 索赔申请, 等.

    *注:一些好处(e.g., Baggage delay) are paid on a reimbursable basis 和 subject to certain conditions.

  • 如果需要,我如何使用该计划?

    请拨打Crisis24 + 1443 -569-8601. They can provide you with a medical referral 和 then monitor the progress while working directly with the treating facility to manage all billing 和 claims.

  • 这个计划包括日常护理吗?

    No. This plan covers urgent 和 emergent incidents that occur while on DU-travel. 这些都是在国外旅行时突然发生的. 然而, that can be anything from an upset stomach after eating new foods to hospitalization after a vehicle accident. 受伤或生病必须发生在旅行期间.

  • 是否有某些类型的疾病或伤害不在保险范围内?

    The following exclusions apply to both the 旅行援助 plan 和 insurance policy. 这只是一个概览. The specific policy terms 和 applicable law – not this overview – apply to any particular incident. If you are injured or need assistance while engaging in any of the following activities while traveling abroad, you will not be entitled to benefits under the 旅行援助 和 Insurance resources offered by DU:

    • 跳伞, 悬挂式滑翔运动, 跳伞, 登山, 任何摩托化速度比赛, 蹦极, 速度竞赛, 洞穴探险或洞穴探险, 直升机滑雪, 或者极限滑雪, 水肺潜水, 激流漂流, 冲浪.
    • 参加任何战争、侵略、革命或暴动
    • Piloting or learning to pilot or acting as a member of the crew of any aircraft
    • 犯罪行为:实施或企图实施犯罪行为
    • 在牙齿上进行任何种类的牙科手术,但不包括正常的牙齿(例如.g.(如果牙齿有填充物,则没有覆盖)
    • 任何非紧急治疗或手术, 常规体检, 助听器, 眼镜, 或者隐形眼镜
  • 这份保险包括个人财产吗?

    旅客的个人财产不在学校保险范围内. Travelers should ensure that homeowners or renter’s insurance covers personal property, 或者根据他们的需要和地点购买额外的保险. 除了, there is always the potential of a claim that is not covered by University insurance that could create personal exposure for a traveler – for instance, 大学雇员职责范围以外的活动, 违反学校政策和故意行为和犯罪. A personal homeowners 和 umbrella liability policy can often provide protection when involved with non-University activities. 旅行者应向其个人保险公司咨询具体细节.

  • 我可以放弃就读DU所需的国内保险吗?

    No. You must maintain your ACA compliant domestic insurance plan as required for attendance at DU. This travel medical plan is not ACA compliant as a short-term travel plan which does not provide for domestic coverage.

  • 何时触发紧急疏散?

    An emergency political/security/natural disaster evacuation may be triggered when a traveler is in imminent danger. 投保后的撤离决定由我们自行决定 旅行援助伙伴, in consultation with the insurance provider, interested governments, DU, 和 the traveler. Simply wanting to leave because a traveler feels unsafe is not a covered evacuation.

    A medical evacuation is triggered when a traveler is injured or ill 和 cannot receive the care they need at their current location. This must be designated medically necessary 和 includes transportation to the nearest facility capable of providing adequate care, 不一定要回美国.S.



  • 人寿保险

    With some life insurance plans, exclusions may apply for any countries or regions with an active U.S. 国务院三级或四级旅行建议,或者在战乱地区. 以确保你有足够的覆盖面, 旅行者应向保险公司咨询具体细节.

  • 工人的补偿

    Only University employees acting within the scope of essential duties 和 injured while on the job traveling abroad are covered under the University’s workers' compensation insurance. 然而, this coverage expires after an employee is out of the state of Colorado for six months or more. Coverage can be extended if the University files a request with the State of Colorado before the expiration of the six-month period.

    根据科罗拉多州的法律, students participating in internships are also covered by the University’s workers' compensation insurance, 只要学校赞助实习, 和 the student is taught through a coordinated combination of specialized in-school instruction 和 on-the-job training provided through a local business, 机构或组织, 或任何与大学合作的政府机构. 这种保险也受上述六个月规则的约束.

  • 大学雇员保险

    University employees also have coverage under the following policies while traveling internationally, including the requirement that injuries to another caused by an employee occur accidentally while the employee is engaged in activities related to University business:

    • 商务旅行意外死亡和肢解-最高50美元,000美元的保险和10美元,000美元的医疗费
    • General liability – up to $1 million in coverage for bodily injury 和 property damage to others
    • Foreign liability – up to $2 million in coverage for bodily injury 和 property damage to others
    • Excess liability – up to $100 million in additional coverage for bodily injury 和 property damage to others

    Any incidents potentially covered under these policies must be reported within twenty-four hours of the incident to 校园 安全 at 1-303-871-3000 和 企业风险管理 at 1-303-871-3810.
